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GEMCOVAC-OM is the first indigenously developed vaccine against the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 coronavirus. It is the only mRNA vaccine currently approved in India, under 'emergency use authorization'.

How much will the vaccine cost ?

As per the Gennova Biopharmaceuticals' CEO, this vaccine will cost Rs. 2,292. 

Who will be administer this vaccine ?

This will be available only for those who have not been administer the vaccine thrice. This vaccine will, for now, act as a booster or "precausion dose"

How many people have taken the third precaution dose in India?

So far, only 28% of India's population has taken a third or precaution dose. The demand of a third dose has increased because the previous vaccines are not easily available at health centres, either privately owned or government-run.

What is the basic difference between Monovalent and Bivalent vaccines ?

While Pfizer manufactured 'bivalent' mRNA vaccine covers against both the older Wuhan strain as well as the newer Omicron strains, GEMCOVAC-OM, as it is 'monovalent', covers only against the Omicron strain. 

How does mRNA vaccine work ?

mRNA vaccines work by introducing a piece of mRNA that corresponds to a viral protein, usually a small piece of a protein found on the virus’s outer membrane. (Individuals who get an mRNA vaccine are not exposed to the virus, nor can they become infected with the virus by the vaccine.) By using this mRNA, cells can produce the viral protein. As part of a normal immune response, the immune system recognizes that the protein is foreign and produces specialized proteins called antibodies. Antibodies help protect the body against infection by recognizing individual viruses or other pathogens, attaching to them, and marking the pathogens for destruction. Once produced, antibodies remain in the body, even after the body has rid itself of the pathogen, so that the immune system can quickly respond if exposed again. If a person is exposed to a virus after receiving mRNA vaccination for it, antibodies can quickly recognize it, attach to it, and mark it for destruction before it can cause serious illness.

Source: The Hindu


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