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Current Affairs - June 07, 2023

 World Bank cuts 2023 global growth forecast


  • Global economy will grow by 2.1% in 2023, as against 3.1% in 2022. 
  • India will grow slower by 6.3% in 2023 than 7.2% in 2022.
  • The U.S. economy is to grow by 1.1%.

About World Bank 

  • Type - International financial institution
  • Establishment - july 7, 1944 (at the Bretton Woods Conference)
  • Membership - 189 countries
  • Parent organization - World Bank Group
  • It is collective name of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA)
  • Objective:- providing loans to developing countries across the world.

India's first low-carbon-glass produced by Saint-Gobain India

  • Saint-Gobain India, an Indian subsidiary of the French multinational firm, on June 6, 2023 announced the introduction of glass with low-carbon footprint from its World Glass Complex at Sriperumbadur.
  • It is India's first low carbon glass which will reduce carbon footprint by 40% approximately compared to our existing products.
  • It could be made on account of using two-third recycled content as raw material, natural gas and electricity from renewable energy sources. 
  • It will help in achieving Net Zero by 2050. 


Internet Economy to hit $1 trillion by 2023

  • As per report issued by Google, Bain & Company and Temasek, India's internet economy will achieve $1 trillion by 2023. 
  • Previous edition of the report in 2022 had showed that India's internet economy was to achieve $175 million. 
  • The key thrust is likely to come from 'Tier 2+ locations". It is because only 13% of the Indians live in metro and Tier-1 cities. 
  • HealthTech and InsurTech will demonstrate the largest expansion as they size at or less than $2 billion today. 


Iran unveiled new hypersonic missile - 'Fatah'

  • Iran created a hypersonic missile capable of traveling at 15 times the speed of sound.
  • It has a range upto 1400 km
  • It has maneuverable and trajectory features.
  • The more irregular the missile's flight path, the more difficult it becomes to intercept.
  •  The event has worried Washington as Iran is unfazed by the sanctions. 


 Narendra Modi's School to be developed as Modle Schoold called 'Prerna'

  • Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi's first school in his hometown, Vadnagar, in Mehsana distric of Gujara is being developed as a model school called 'Prerna'.
  • This initiative was raised to inspire youth of the country to become “catalysts of change”
  • 'Prerna' means 'Inspiration'.

508 districts in country are free of manual scavenging

  • As per the report of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 508 of the 766 districts in the country have been declared free of manual scavenging. 
  •  NAMASTE scheme focuses on 100% mechanization of sewer work. 
  • The Union Budget for 2023-24 showed ₹100-crore allocation for the NAMASTE. 
  • The scheme will require over 4,800 urban local bodies across the country to identify and profile all septic tank/sewer workers in their respective areas, provide them occupational training and safety equipment, and sign them up for health insurance under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, among other interventions.
  • To incentivise mechanisation, the scheme also provides for capital subsidies for workers willing to mechanise their work and become empanelled with the local body concerned.
  • Manual scavenging refers to "manually cleaning, carrying, disposing of, or otherwise handling, human excreta  in an insanitary latrine or in an open drain or sewer or in a septic tank or a pit". Manual scavengers usually use hand tools such as buckets, brooms and shovels. The workers have to move the excreta, using brooms and tin plates, into baskets, which they carry to disposal locations sometimes several kilometers away.


Ban on sale of dog meat was quashed by the Nagaland High Court  

  •     The Nagaland High Court recently quashed the decision of the state government to blanket ban sale of dog meat in the state. 
  • The High Court observed that consumption of dog meat appears to be an accepted norm among Nagas.
  • High Court judgement came after three persons of the state filed a petition. 


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