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Gender Gap Report 2023

 Labour market: gender gap still widespread | IndustriALL

Gender Gap Report, 2023 


  • Released by World Economic Forum.
  • India's rank - 127 out of 146 countries.
    • rank in 2022 was 135.
    • India's neighboring countries - Bangladesh - 59, China - 107, Pakistan - 142, Nepal -116, Sri Lanka - 115, Bhutan - 103.
    • Country at the bottom - Afghanistan (146)
  • Top-10 ranker countries - 
    • Iceland - 1
    • Norway - 2
    • Findland - 3
    • New Zeeland - 4
    • Sweden - 5
    • Germany - 6
    • Nicaragua - 7
    • Namibia - 8
    • Lithunia - 9
    • Belgium - 10 

Global Gender Gap report is based on four dimensions:- 

    1) Economic Participation and Opportunity

    2) Educational Attainment

    3) Health and Survival

    4) Political Empowerment 

Status of India in respect of the above dimensions:

  • Economic Participation and Opportunity
    • less than 40% parity.
    • there is uptick in parity in wages and income, but shares of women in senior positions and technical roles have dropped.
  • Educational Attainment
    • As per NFHS-5
      • Men (84.4%) are more literate than women (71.5%) in the age group of 15 to 49 years.
      • 10 or more years of schooling - 
        • Men = 50.2%, women = 41.0%
  • Internet Use 
    • Men - 57.1%, Women - 33.3%                
  • Health and Survival
    • India's sex ratio has upward trend. 
      • 2011 census - sex ratio is 943 girls against 1000 boys. 
      • 2001 census - sex ratio - 930  
      • As per NFHS-5 (2019-21) sex ratio is estimated at 1020.
        • sex ratio at birth has improved from 919 (2015-16) to 929 (2019-21)
  • Political Empowerment - 
    • There are almost 40% representation of women in local government thanks to 73rd and 74th Amendments. 
    • Women represent only 13.31% in the Parliament of India.
      • women representation in Lok Sabha - 15.1% (78 women out of 542 members)
      • women representation in Rajya Sabha - 10.71% (24 women out of 224 members). 

What are the Indian Initiatives to reduce Gender Gap in Social, Economic and Political Life?

  • Economic Participation and Health and Survival:
    • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: It ensures the protection, survival and education of the girl child.
    • Mahila Shakti Kendra: Aims to empower rural women with opportunities for skill development and employment.
    • Mahila Police Volunteers: It envisages engagement of Mahila Police Volunteers in States/UTs who act as a link between police and community and facilitates women in distress.
    • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: It is an apex micro-finance organization that provides micro-credit at concessional terms to poor women for various livelihood and income generating activities.
    • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna: Under this scheme girls have been economically empowered by opening their bank accounts.
    • Female Entrepreneurship: To promote female entrepreneurship, the Government has initiated Programmes like Stand-Up India and Mahila e-Haat (online marketing platform to support women entrepreneurs/ SHGs/NGOs), Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESSDP).
    • Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya: They have been opened in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs).
  • Political Reservation: Government has reserved 33% of the seats in Panchayati Raj Institutions for women.
    • Capacity Building of Elected Women Representatives: It is conducted with a view to empowering women to participate effectively in the governance processes.
Question for your practice. 




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