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India-US Relations

During Prime Minister Modi's recent (2023) state visit to the United States, the both sides announced the following deals - 

  • Semiconductor industry investments
    • Semiconductor Assembly and Testing Plant to be built by the US-based company, Micron, in India by the end of 2024, and it will produce its first chip in six quarters.
    • Semiconductor is a 'foundational technology' used in electronic appliances such as phones, computers, cars etc.
    • Government of India has revised the incentives offered to manufacturers under the Productive Linked Incentive (PIL) scheme.
  • Partnership in quantum and advanced computing and AI
  • Cooperation of Jet engines in India
    • This deal will sea 80% technology transfer by General Electric (GE) to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) after three year of signing the contract.
    • Previously 'Engine Development Agreement' was signed in 2012 between GE and HAL for the F414 engine. It had provided for 58% technology transfer.
    • Under the deal, F414 engines of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-MK2 will be manufactured in India itself. 
    • Impacts of the deal:- 
      • LCA MK2 will have 
        • 1350 mm longer featuring canards
        • payload of 6500 kgs compared to 3500 kgs for the MK1 and MK1A.
        • around 120-130 LCA MK2 jets are likely to be produced.
  • India to join the 11-national mineral security partnership for critical minerals, where China has a global monopoly.
  • Cooperation on critical and emerging technologies, particularly in clean energy. Critical technologies include - 
    • special coating for corrosion
    • casting machining and coating for Single Crystal for turbine blades
    • casting machining and caoting of nozzle guide vanes and other hot parts
    • blisk machining
    • forging/power metallurgy discs for turbine
    • machining for thin walled titanium casing
    • friction inertia welding for fan and after burner
    • Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) for LPNGV, flaps
    • laser drilling technology for combustor
    • bottle boring of shafts
  • Artemis Accords for cooperation in space exploration
  • NASA-ISRO partnership for human spaceflight  
  • Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
    • Deal for procurement of 31 MQ-9B armed High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) - 15 for the Navy and 8 each for the Army and Air Force.
    • The current indigenous content proposed in the MQ-9B deal is 8% to 9% while India is hoping it can be increased up to 15% to 20%.
    • General Atomics will establish a comprehensive global Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility in India.
    • Impacts:-
      • It will enhance the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities of India's armed forces across domains.
      • As per its manufacturer General Atomics, the MQ-9B can provide roughly 80% of the capabilities of a large human-flown maritime patrol aircraft at about 20% of its cost per hour.



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