About The Licchavi Kingdom The Lichchavis were the most powerful of the eight clans of Vajji janapad . Their capital was at Vaishali (Bihar). They were an Indo-Aryan tribe who conquered the territory of the Maha-Videha kingdom and temporarily occupied the Videha capital of Mithila . Given to rising power of Magadha empire , Lichchavis established their republic in the southern part of Maha-Videha kingdom until the marginal location of Vaishali , which was their largest city and capital. To the south of Vaishali was situated the kingdom of Magadha with which relations of Vaishali were initially good. Chellana , the Lichchavi princes from Vaishali was married to Magadha king Bimbisara . Chellana was the second wife of Bimbisara. She gave birth to Ajatshatru , who did not care about relations and invaded and annexed Vaishali in Magadha empire. Republican Constitution of The Lichchavis According to Panini , the janapadas (territorial states) were generally headed by ekraja or on...
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