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Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) and its impact on India-US relations - exam notes

India-U.S. Initiative  Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET)


What is iCET ?

    iCET refers to India-U.S. Initiative Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) was announced in May 2022 by India and U.S. on the sideline of QUAD summit in Japan with an objective of elevating and expanding the strategic technology partnership and defense industrial cooperation between the governments

What is the Objective of iCET ?

The objective of iCET includes -

  1. greater cooperation in critical and emerging technlogies
  2. co-development and co-production of critical and emerging technlogies
  3. deepen connectivity across innovation ecosystems.
  4. future cooperation in the field of biotechnology, advanced materials, and rare earth processing technology.
  5. resolving issues relating to regulatory barriers and business and talent mobility of technologies. 
  6. Shared democratic values.

How will iCET help India ?

This will help India in numerous domains, such as

  • defensive innovations like conductors, space, 5g, talent, etc.
  • developing advanced jet engines

Other areas where India and U.S. collaborate are - 

  • Security:- Quad - Quadrilateral Security Dialogue 
  • Defence:- 'New Framework for India-U.S. Defense Relations' was signed in 2005. Under this, numerous defense exercises are conducted such as - Malabar, Yuddha Abhyas, RIMPAC, Red Flag 16-1, Exercise Cope India, etc. Also under this agreement, the two countries collaborate in defense trade, personal exchanges, maritime security, counter piracy, etc.
  • Nuclear and energy:- Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement was signed in 2008. Under this will be set up six AP 1000 reactors in India by U.S.
  • Technology - iCET singed in 2022, Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Association (LEMOA) signed in 2016, Technical Agreement (TA) on information sharing White (merchant) Shipping signed in 2016, Information Exchange Annex (IEA) Aircraft Career Technology (ACT) signed in 2016.


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