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Government Schemes for the benefits of the farmers of the state

 JPSC CS Paper-VI - Group C - Agricultural Science

Government Schemes for the benefits of the farmers of the state

  1. Mukhyamantri Krishi Ashirwad Yojna (MKAY) - 
    • Aim - 
      • Improving financial situation of farmers 
      • Provide them with timely investment support before the start of the Kharif season.
    • Benefits - 
      • Marginal and small farmers will be given Rs. 5000 per acre per year (upto maximum 5 acres) through DBT.
  2. Jharkhand Krishi Rin Mafi Yojana (JKRMY)
    • Launched in Feb 2021.
    • It is a loan waiver scheme for the farmers of the state.
    • Benefit - Rs. 50,000/- per farmer.
    • Eligibility -
      • Permanent resident of Jharkhand
      • Small and marginal farmers who have borrowed loan through Kisan Credit Card.
      • Self cultivator farmers
      • Farmers above 18 years of age
      • Only one farmer per family
  3.  Jharkhand Kisan Fasal Rahat Yojana (JKFRY)
    • Aim - providing security cover to farmers in case of crop failure due to natural calamity.
    • Eligibility
      • Resident of Jharkhand
      • Small and Marginal Farmers
      • Both land and landless farmers
  4. Samakit Birsa Gram Vikas Yojana cum Krishak Pathshala
    • Farmers will be provided training and will be empowered to increase their income.
  5. Birsa Kisan Yojana - 
    • The state government provides Birsa Kisan unique ID cards for farmers after their registration.
    • The ID cards are used to benefits of government schemes.
    • Agricultural training is provied by experts to ID card holder farmers.
    • Through this ID card, a farmer can borrow agriculutural loans.
    • This scheme is specially helpful for BPL/poor farmers.
  6. Meethi Kranti Yojana (Sweet Revolution Scheme)
    • Rs. 1 lakh will be given by the government for bee-farming or apiculture. 
    • Benefits
      • Bee keeping training
      • A bee keeping unit of worth Rs. 1 lakh
      • Grant of Rs. 80,000.
      • Beneficiary farmers need to invest Rs. 20,000.
  7. Interest Free Farmloan Scheme (IFFS)
    • Aim - 
      • Financial support to farmers.
      • Easy and quick loans
      • Increasing farmers' income
      • Financials security
      • Stop farmers suicide.
    • Benefits - 
      • Loan at zero percent interest rate. 
      • 50% interest subsidy on loan interest for dairy farmers.
      • Only farmers of Jharkhand state.


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